In celebration of International Cat Day on 8th August 2020 I ran a little competition. I asked owners to send me a limerick about their cat, along with a photo. At stake was a bundle of Honeysuckle goodies!
I had so much fun reading the entries, thank you all so, so much. It was really hard to chose between them, but I finally decided and here it is...
Mister Ben
From Foal Farm came a cat: Mister Ben,
For a second time, re-homed again,
He nibbles his fur,
Has a street cat purr,
Everyone loves Mister Ben - Emma Kaye

I love the simplicity of this as well as the
fact that there's a beautiful story behind it...
And here are all the fantastic runners up (in no particular order)!
Ruby's the jewel in my crown
Her features resemble a frown
She asks for her food
And whatever her mood
She makes me feel good if I'm down - Liz

Tommy looks forward to dinner And likes to pretend he is thinner Between me and you That’s not really true But here's how he proves he’s a winner! - Yvonne Watt

There once was a cat named Binky,
who liked to play with a slinky,
she’d bat it downstairs and under the chairs,
But would love to win toys that are stinky - Kristi Bartlett

There once was a ginger shorthair named Gus Who liked to travel by bus He’d sit on the seat And the people he’d greet Then meow till they’d give him some fuss - Tracey

My name is Kili the cat
I got a new Knitwit to bat
I'm on a nip high
Feeling like I can fly
But now I'm zonked out on the mat - Tina & Paul White

I have a young cat named Buddy
who thought me a fuddy-duddy
so I gave him honey wood
as all good servants should
and now I am HIS purrfect Buddy - Mary Bagnall

You told me you're Phibï, Bringer of Light but soon I discovered you were also a plight a chaos-cat who ruined more in a year than all of my other cats together, I fear so 'Light' or 'light', that was our flite.
I prayed with all might you soon grow up and stop opening all, included the tap but with that only the mischief you made got quite a lot more sophisticate a we got more and mor hubbub.
And now you are three, still brimming with joy
tearing apart your Honeysuckle Cat Toy
seems you're still a little kitten at core
well, there is Clare, we just get some more
for making happy this naughty boy.

Amber is very gymnastic
Her balancing skills are fantastic
She climbs inside hedges
And walks along ledges
Resulting in nothing too drastic - Yvonne Watt

There is a short hair called Moggie
Who loves toys that make her leap like a froggy
But when cuddling her cushion
There’s simply no discussion
Being lazy and feeling all groggy - Phil Goodlad

I know of a kitten named Ben
For cuteness I'd give him a 10
He just loves to play
Every single day
Now I'm never lonely again - Sheryl Allmark

And also from Sheryl...
There once was a cat named Storm
He would often stay in the warm
He brings in live mice
That's not very nice
He also hunts flies by the swarm
There was a Ragdoll called Fudge
Once sat down he wouldn't budge
He snoozed all day long
Whilst snoring a little song
Oh, but how we shouldn't judge! - Angela Peregreen

My whole world, my family. Amber, Honey and Chester made three. It’s broken my heart Two had to depart And now it’s just Amber and me..... - Catherine Slater

Jerry's our 18 year boy
Who still loves to play with a toy
Despite his long years
And loss of both ears,
He’s such a big bundle of joy! - Yvonne Watt

There is a striped tiger called Sonny
Who sits in boxes and thinks it looks funny
When fighting his Kicker
Legs go quicker and quicker
Boy does he love Tatarian honey - Phil Goodlad

I have a tabby cat called Sophie
She once caught two live mice as a trophy.
She no longer eats mice as a snack,
She’s now been trained to jump over my back - Danni Robins

Big T
There once was a cat called Big T
Who liked chasing butterflies and bees
And he pounced on the grass
He sighed “O alas”
I think my chasing days are in the past - Pauline Rosser

I have a cat called Sebastian
Who's looking for a reaction
He is very speedy
But also quite needy
So you give him your attention - Sophie Young

Duke There was a young tabby from Kent
who wished through the post to be sent
He licked and affixed the stamp
he truly was a clever champ
and through Royal Mail he went! - Sarah Irving

There was a grey tabby called Luna
who wanted her dinner much sooner
she reached for her knife
and hoped for no strife
as long as she was served tuna...! - Alan Irving

No Sunday sleep-ins will she allow
Every 3a.m. is time for chow!
Pawing, purring alarm
Furry butt on my arm
No snooze button shuts off her meow - Megan Woodgate

Ziggy is our black and white kitty,
Who does far more than sit and look pretty,
He chases birds far and wide,
Brings live mice to our side,
If we hadn’t met, oh what a pity! - Jo Smith

There was a Ragdoll called Cookie
She had furry feet like a Wookie
She liked to chase after ribbon
Even if held by a gibbon
What a strange cat you lookie! - Ryley Peregreen

I love Ryley's entry for it's complete whacky-ness!
There once was a cat who loved chicken,
Who’d wait by the fridge for rich pickings,
She’d squeak her desires,
Until you would tire,
Then she’d feast with lots of lip lickin’ - Emma Kaye

Here is a hunting cat
Living inside both lazy and fat
Until a honeysuckle toy
Brought into his life much joy
Now happy, playful and fit he’s such an acrobat! - Jessica Knight

My mum took me down to the vet
I haven't recovered just yet
I'm asleep on my chair
Having washed every hair
Just how insulting can being a pet get! - Sara Knight

There was a young cat found in Cyprus,
Who was a bit of a Tigris.
She flew on a plane, to England she came,
And now she’s just smothered with kindness - Sue Pooley

And from the lovely cats at Paws Cat Cafe in Tonbridge, Kent...
We brought our cats a new lovely bed "Made for Cats" the ad said, But boxes are preferred Doesn't that seem absurd But it's true, they just want any box instead!
